FREE Masterclass

The 3 Fail-Proof Facebook Ads To Sell Your Online Course

Learn my proven, step by step formula to effortlessly sell and enroll clients in your courses over and over again using Facebook & Instagram Ads.

FREE Masterclass

The 3 Fail-Proof Facebook Ads For a 5 Figure Launch

Learn exactly what ads to run throughout the three stages of your course launch so you can scale your course, serve more people, and be freed from the 1:1 shackles.


In this masterclass, you'll learn:


How to grow your audience & build your email list with dream leads before your next launch.


A simple way to make your money back from your Facebook Ads STAT.


Who you should be targeting your Ads to during each phase of your launch.


How to fill up your next webinar or challenge using Facebook Ads with more ease and less stress.


The most impactful Ad creative that gets the best engagement, clicks and sales.


When you should outsource your Ads to an agency v learn to DIY.

Plus get access to my FREE GUIDE "How to write Ad Copy that attracts dream leads & not just freebie seekers"

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Hey, I'm Jess!

I’m a Facebook Ads & course launch strategist and I’m completely obsessed with helping you sell and scale your course or membership.

I love teaching entrepreneurs - whether they’re scaling from 1:1 or starting a course-based business from scratch - how to sell courses simply. 

Simply being the operative word here.

Because if there’s one thing I know after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs and as an online business owner myself, no one wants to spend their days showing up on Instagram stories.

We don't want more marketing.

We want systems.

Systems that work for us. While we eat. While we sleep. While we travel around Australia in a van*.*that last one might just be me.

Using Facebook Ads, I’ve successfully launched courses with both live and evergreen funnels resulting in multiple five figures. 

I’ve helped my clients achieve multiple five + six figure launches using my Facebook Ad strategies.

Currently, my students are generating leads for clients as little as 0.60c.

Register for this FREE masterclass and learn exactly what's working in the world of Facebook Ads right now.

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